中 醫 Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
94 29th Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
ph: 415.282.2806
Chinese Medicine has been increasingly used and accepted for the treatment of infertility in the past few decades. Acupuncture, herbs, and nutrition can help to balance hormones and attain optimal health to prepare the body for conception and a healthy pregnancy, as well as treat male factor infertility. We work with women before conception, during pregnancy and afterwards to ensure health and comfort along every step of the way, for both natural conception and assisted reproduction. The following are some of the conditions which may be successfully addressed with Chinese Medicine: irregular cycles, PCOS, endometriosis, poor response to ovarian stimulation, thin uterine lining, fibroids, dysmenorrhea, and sperm quality issues such as low count or motility. We also often work with unexplained fertility, secondary infertility, same-sex couples and single mothers.
Christine Chung, L.Ac., is board-certified to treat fertility by the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM), and has been working in the field of fertility since 1997. After working and studying closely with Angela Wu, a renowned fertility acupuncturist, Christine focused on acupuncture, gynecology and fertility while working in the hospitals of Shanghai. She has completed extensive post-graduate training in women's health, including studying with acupuncturist-midwife Raven Lang. She is also an active member of NoCal Fertility, a professional group specializing in fertility issues.
I have been seeing Christine for over four years, but started seeing her more regularly once I started trying to become pregnant. Quite simply, her treatment has been invaluable to me. She is patient, warm, and extremely knowledgeable - especially about fertility. I have learned a tremendous amount about conception and pregnancy from her. I would highly recommend Christine to anyone seeking fertility guidance and treatment. This area of life can be stressful and not as easy as one could hope, and Christine has made an enormous difference in my life. She has my complete trust.
- Celine M.
In 2006, at age 40 I started thinking about having a baby. Everyone warned me it would be difficult given my age. Christine worked with me slightly adjust my diet and take Chinese herbs and, along with the acupuncture (and some help from my husband), I was pregnant within about 3 months! It worked again with the 2nd child a few years later.
I have had the opportunity to receive treatments from many types of body therapists, including other acupuncturists, over the years. Without hesitation, I can say that Christine is one of the very few unique professionals who has - and listens to - strong intuitions but balances that against what her client is saying and feeling. She uses all the tools in her tool kit, including listening, consoling, encouraging, guiding, cajoling. This, along with her unbelievable knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and other healing arts is a rare find.
- Lisa P.
To book an appointment or schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation, please call 415.282.2806 or email.
Copyright 2010 Christine Chung, L.Ac.. All rights reserved.
94 29th Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
ph: 415.282.2806